Factorio strategy guide
Factorio strategy guidefactorio strategy guide

This is mainly related to discovering and joining the game. One of our big promises for the upcoming 0.13 relase is improving the Multiplayer user experience. The guide can be purchased at the Factorio Strategy Guide website. If you feel like you are still not quite getting what is going on in the game, then definitely give it a try. The author pledged to keep the guide up-to-date and extend it as the game evolves.


It covers pretty much all the game concepts and apart from the explanations it is full of descriptive screenshots and links to youtube / forum posts further related to given subject. I haven't read the guide cover to cover (it has more than 100 pages), but my impression so far is that it is a very good source of knowledge especially for beginning and intermediate players. He has been in touch with us during the process of guide creation and we have provided him with a few insights and ideas.


He chose to put the information in the form of a pdf e-book. But then there is just so many of them that the sheer Youtube listing is scary=))Ī few months ago Xterminator, one of the Factorio players and Youtubers, decided to approach this challenge himself. I suppose all the "Factorio knowledge" could be found in some form or another in one (or rather many) of these. And of course there are the Youtube videos. Also it is still lacking in completeness and up-to-date-ness. Quite a bit of community effort went into it, however to be honest we don't really know if many people are using it. However it is getting obsolete and also it covers only a few basic topics. And of course, documentation is scarce=) Couple of first missions are de-facto a tutorial covering Especially for the beginners, the amount of concepts can be intimidating. I suppose pretty much all of you know (from your own experience) that quite some time and effort are required to get good at Factorio. In another episode of the Community Spotlight I am happy to share with you news in the field of documentation / tutorials / guides for the game.

factorio strategy guide

So unless there are quite a few people who have been holding the bugs reports back (out of pure mercy with us of course=)) the game should be rather stable. And one of these will be solved by us dropping support for the OSX Snow Leopard. Owing to the great effort of all the developers, the open bugs count at the forums is at unbelievable. After a long long bug fixing period we have declared the 0.12.20 as a stable release.

Factorio strategy guide